Conservatives are bad for business. Pass it on.
With apologies to Erika Lougheed (I’ll take down if asked), below the embedded Tik Tok video is my transcription of same. Eloquently stated, this is why some of us either can’t get ahead, or almost kill ourselves trying to get there. This is not limited to Ontario. The same conditions exist in Alberta, but the Walmarts and Westons are big oil and gas companies. I grew up here watching boys drop out of school to work in the oil patch, only to suffer when there’s an economic downturn. They start out making an obscene amount of money, but after they become men, because they lack some education and realistic life experience, often spending way beyond their means on big houses, trucks, and toys, they can’t weather the storms of recession. We must invest in people, and reduce wealth inequality.
Don’t let Jason Kenny fool you. He is Boss Hog North of the border.
Citation: Erika Lougheed – @erikalougheed
East Ferris municipal Councillor. ONDP candidate for Nipissing. Potter Artist. Nostalgic for the 90s. (she/her/elle)
Just going for a walk, doing some thinking about the thousand dollar a burger fund raisers, and governing to satisfy government lobbyists and insiders, ultimately promoting wealth inequality by insulating profits for the rich and reducing spending power for everybody else. Our economies exist because of people’s ability to spend. Conservatives reduce people’s spending power when they shape decisions based on the needs of the wealthy. The result is that more of us become poor, and can’t afford to do much. When people are pushed to the brink, conservatives do very little for people in need. They defund our social safety net, and find reasons to blame others, mostly the poor for not working hard enough. And no amount of touring local small businesses can roll back the poor covid response where conservatives demonstrated their true allegiance to the Walmarts and Westons to the world. And people without the ability to spend are not able to shop at our local or eat out at our local restaurants because they can’t. We need to elect a government that will work to reduce wealth inequality and invest in people, not insider profits, for a healthy economy. And that my friends is why conservatives are very bad for business.